Il ciambellone (the donut) is a typical cake from central Italy, an easy-to-prepare comfort food, loved by adults and children. Paolo Brunelli, pastry chef and ice cream master from Marche region, creates three classic recipes with all the necessary techniques to transform this simple Italian dessert into a great pastry creation. The giant donut cake with the hole and the loaf in two versions, with raisins and hazelnut spreadable cream, 3 cakes made with the same dough and a single absolute protagonist: anise liqueur.
In collaboration with Mulino Caputo
The new ItaliaSquisita book "Rice, the Italian way" is out, visit the shop, browse the indexes and take advantage of the pre-order valid until April 15th
Impasto Ciambellone/Donut dough
Uova Intere/Whole Eggs 140 g
Zucchero/Sugar 140 g
Buccia di limone/Lemon peel 4 g
Latte fresco intero/Fresh whole milk 120 g
Olio di riso/Rice oil 120 g
Vaniglia/ 2 bacche/berries
Buccia di arancia/Orange peel 10 g
Liquore di anice secco/Dry anise liqueur 20 g
Lievito istantaneo/Instant yeast 7 g
Fecola di patate/Potato starch 80 g
Farina Caputo Pasticceria/Caputo pastry flour 550 g
Uvetta/Raisins 50 g (optional)
Spalmabile alle nocciole/Hazelnut cream
Nocciole intere tostate/Whole toasted hazelnuts 200 g
Cacao in polvere amaro 22/24/Bitter cocoa powder 22/24 40 g
Zucchero di canna/Cane sugar 60 g
Sale marino di Cervia/Cervia sea salt 1 g
Zabaione/Italian Eggnog
Tuorlo d’uovo/Egg yolk 120 g
Alchermes/Alchermes 100 g
Zucchero/Sugar 40 g
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