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The Biggest Parenting Mistakes (and how to fix them)
In this episode you’ll discover:
* How having parenting expectations sets us up for failure.
* What conscious parenting is.
* How the parental ego causes dysfunctional relationships.
* The importance of surrendering your ego and approaching your child with empathy.
* Why we should always assume that our children are doing their best.
* What it means to end the chase for happiness and success.
* The difference between controlling your children and influencing them.
* How to tap into your child’s unique essence.
* Why the parent-child relationship influences your child’s self-worth.
* How to teach your child resilience.
* The relationship between your inner child and the imposter ego.
* How to support your child’s natural temperament.
* What the acronym WARM stands for.
* The most important principle of life.
0:00 - Intro
00:30 - Conscious Parenting
18:28 - The Narrow Idea of Happiness / Success
26:30 - The Power of Responsibility
31:55 - Your Child’s Blueprint
38:10 - Your Greatest Teacher
50:20 - Your Inner Child / Awakening
1:01:40 - Kid-Speak
1:07:30 - Start Right Now
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