Just as we were going to do some exciting relativistic atomic clock experiments, one of the clocks went down. Oh well, the bright side is that we get to look in the innards of this very complicated instrument.
How an atomic clock works: https://youtu.be/eOti3kKWX-c
Atomic clock Zeeman alignment: https://youtu.be/xTy1kY_wtsY
Hi-res scan of the HP 5061A manual: https://archive.org/details/hp-5061-a-cesium-beam-frequency-standard-operation-and-service-manual-05061-9052-june-1978
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"Elevator Music" Credit: Crinoline Dreams by Kevin MacLeod
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- PCBWay: fast turn PCBs, https://www.pcbway.com
- Electro-Rent: https://www.electrorent.com
- Keysight: test instruments: https://www.keysight.com
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- R&D Microwaves: https://rdmicrowaves.com
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