Dr. Santhosh Babu M R / Senior Medical Consultant / NIPMR / Thrissur explains in simple language about the dangers of intake of excess Calcium and high dose Vit D.Usually patients and doctors are worried about the deficiency of Calcium and Vit D.There is a misbelief that all back pain, joint pain, and bone pains are due to weak bones. Many people take Calcium and high dose Vit D for a prolonged period without justification. This can cause increased levels of Calcium (Hypercalcemia) or Vit D in our blood & body.
Over levels of Calcium(Hypercalcemia) or Vit D in our blood & body in turn can cause a variety of health issues and problems. These nutrients are also called 'double-edged weapons'. The video gives more details on this problem and its solution. Please watch, comment & share!
കാൽസിയവും,വിറ്റാമിൻ Dയും കഴിച്ചാൽ സന്ധി വേദനയോ, നടുവേദനയോ കുറയും എന്നുള്ളത് തെറ്റായ ധാരണയാണ്. പോഷണങ്ങൾ ആണെങ്കിലും കൂടുതലായാൽ ഇവ കൊണ്ട് ധാരാളം ആരോഗ്യ പ്രശ്നങ്ങളും ഉണ്ടാകാം.
Please visit our related blog for more details: https://myjointpaindoctor.com/2021/10/14/osteoporosis-prevention-treatment-low-cost/