So how is it that “Single Lens Reflex” large format has transformed my photography ?
Hello, and welcome back to the channel. In the last episode, I explored the Graflex Speed Graphic and the creative possibilities I've found using its focal plane shutter, especially with different barrel lenses and the fabulous Aero Ektar. And that brings me to today's episode: large format single-lens reflex cameras, which have truly transformed my photography and inspired my 'The Lane' series. What makes these cameras so special? Let's find out…
For me, the combination of a focal plane shutter and SLR viewing is a game-changer. Being able to keep my subject in focus, with the dark slide out, right up until I make the exposure is incredibly liberating. It removes so much of the frustration I used to experience with subject movement between focusing and shooting.
In this episode, I'll be sharing two cameras that have been essential to my large format Photography.
I'll start with my first large format SLR, the Graflex Super D, and explain the modifications I made to use some very fast glass, including large-aperture Buhl projector lenses.
Then, I'll show you a very special camera: the custom Super Reflex that Jeff Perry at 20th Century Cameras built for me, complete with a number of unique modifications.
Join Catarina and me as we venture out into 'the lane' on a cold February day to take two portraits using the Super Reflex, followed by a look at the developed negatives.
Both the Super D and the Super Reflex have taken my large format photography in directions I never imagined, and I'm so pleased to share them and their impact on my work with you in this episode.
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