FULL DEMO: https://www.patreon.com/posts/morning-valley-123372466
F R E E Sample D E M O: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65373356
My P A T R E O N page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=67389542
Why Water is So Important: https://youtu.be/2qDHwjRSn0Q
Painting with FUUMUUI brushes (20%off NINA20 www.fuumuui.com)
MEEDEN - easel
12% off MEEDEN products Code NINA10
Hello Friends!
this is speed up demonstration of me painting a landscape with big dramatic sky.
I painted this a while ago, but only now did a voice over for Patreon. This is a great example of wet on wet. In this video I give a quick tip on How to improve on your own.
In full real time demo on Patreon, I explain every step of how to do wet on wet. I explain mixing process, proportion of water and paint and why it is important in painting wet on wet (it is not just to avoide cauliflower effect!)
Here is the link to full demo
Hope this tutorial is informative!
Happy painting
Nina x
watercolour tutorial, painting tutorial, tutorial, patreon, when to use, how to watercolour, nina volk, nvfineartstudio, nv fine art studio, fine art studio, watercolor lesson, how to improve watercolor, wet on wet, watercolor wet-on-wet, painting sky, watercolor painting sky, watercolor painting landscape, aerial landscape painting, how to paint sky, sky wet on wet, watercolor sky, mountains, landscape with mountains, nina volk loose watercolor, atmospheric landscape