በዛሬው ዝግጅት እንግዳችን ሚኪያስ ጥላሁን የፍሪላንስ ልምዱን ያካፍለናል። ስለ ፍሪላንስ ምንነት፣የእኛን የክህሎት ስብስቦች በአለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ተወዳዳሪ ለመሆን እንዴት ማሻሻል እንደምንችል፣online ላይ በመስራት ምን ያህል ገንዘብ እንደምናገኝ እና ሌሎች በርካታ ርዕሶችን ተነጋናግረናል። ስንቀርጽ የወደደነውን ያህል እንደወደምትወዱት ተስፋ እናደርጋለን።
የሚኪያስ Freelance ቪድዮ 👇
- https://youtu.be/WqSzpKjLjH4
On today's episode, our guest Mikias Tilahun will share his freelance experience with us. We've spoken about what freelancing is, how we can improve our skill sets to be more competitive globally, how much money we can make working online, and many other topics. We hope you love it as much as we enjoyed producing it.
Mikias Tilahun: https://twitter.com/Mike_T_Abebe
Gugut is an entertainment/educational podcast which is focused on discussing different perspectives on technology, philosophy and day-to-day lives of everyday people.
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