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This time, I am in Matsuida-cho, Annaka City, Gunma Prefecture, and I am in Sakamoto-juku, the 17th post station counted from Edo among the 69 stops along the Nakasendo. This is said to be one of the most difficult spots on the Nakasendo, and it is said that it was very crowded with people trying to cross the pass and people who had already crossed the pass. In addition, it was also a post station that was systematically built during the era of the third shogun, Iemitsu, to immigrate the Annaka and Takasaki domain residents. Among them, the characteristic part was that the land division was interesting and it was long and narrow facing the highway. I would like to take a look at that part together with the current state of the city this time.
Kevin MacLeod の Long Road Ahead B は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ - 著作権表示必須 4.0 ライセンスに基づいて使用が許諾されます。 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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#中山道 #坂本宿 #峠越えの宿場町 #難所 #衰退