Dearest Friends :-D !!!
Thank you for your patience and time.
This video is...
depiction of how a 24hr trip at Ochanomizu-Akihabara area CAN be very fruitful and complete.
1: my stops and usual planned chronological stops
2: meet a great nice friend from Switzerland (he is Italian)
3: this time I reveal the best vinyl record cleaning solution/combination I have been using since January 2016.
The Vinyl Record cleaning combination can all be bought at AudioUnion at Ochanomizu. Story: I was there in January 2016, facing two ultrasonic machines : AudioDeske and Klaudio, deciding to buy one between the two of them. But Kuno-san advised me to get this combination (as shown in the video) that works even better than both the ultrasonic machines. And indeed, the Japanese combination works WAY better than Klaudio and AudioDeske (which I have tried at my local retailers' demonstrations but both Klaudio and AudioDeske do not clean as well as this Japanese method)!!!!!
1. AnalogRelax Brush:
updated 14th Aug 2017:
2. LeiQwa Balance A and B solutions,
3. Visco33 cloth,
4. RecoBase from AudioUnion Japan,
Or an alternative is the Arté one:
This method has been devised by some hard core scientists and chemists, and has since become the secret, best method, used amongst hard core Japanese record collectors.
AND because it is less than 40,000yen, it does not "feature" on audio magazines. So friends, you know the usual me, and how many of us know the usual hifi industry: advertisements on audio magazines, and salesmen's commissions, "make the world go round".
The Analog Relax Brush is extremely finest, at 0.03mm. And is made of a material that does amazing destat and discharge of statics...thus cleaning up and clearing up the vinyl replay and presentation!! Audible and it works!
Special mention:
Vinyl records that look very clean and devoid of dust... you really think so? You put one such record on your turntable, and you look confident and smirking and grinning to yourself: that the records are squeaky clean, and you are ready to lower your stylus.
Use the AnalogRelax Brush... give just 2-3 light sweeps, and...
Lo-and Behold: YOU SEE A PILE OF MICRODUST GATHERING AT THE ENDS OF THE BRUSH STROKES💪😄✌!!! The common carbon fibre brush and whatever brush and bristles i have used, are not able to match this AnalogRelax Brush in efficacy. This truly is an amazing brush. I kowtow.
It is stated on the label that is distributed by the Zoot company.
Don't worry about language... it comes with a comprehensive instruction manual on the features and science of the brush, the science of statics on records, the fineness of the brush bristles, its material...and how to use it (there are steps)... All in English and Japanese😄.
Short of showing you the very nice insert in the product itself.. This webby describes how it works and how it is different from all other record brushes in the market :-D !!!... its outer and inner conductivity, the materials used, how fine it is, the science of it all, and how this brush's slower conductivity has its reasons.
When you have it :-D ... how you use it, is described above. Dab at 4 corners perpendicular to the record surface, (better as recommended in the product inset, better to do a Union Jack, 8 corners dabbing, i do that personally too.)
The above shows its amazing effect in a simple short demonstration. The real shock is when you use it yourself on your own records in the "flesh" :-D...
Warmest Regards,
~ ian