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TANPA KENTANG! Resep Kroket Keju Meleleh Ala Brulee Bomb Nagita [Bitterballen]

Devina Hermawan 949,289 lượt xem 4 years ago
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00:00 : intro
03:05 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
04:34 : mulai memasak (start of cook)
07:05 : bentuk adonan brulee (shaping the Brulee)
08:25 : membuat adonan pelapis (making the coating batter)
10:01 : mulai menggoreng (frying the Brulee)
10:19 : hidangan siap dan tahap serving (the dish is ready to serve)


Resep Brulee Bomb. Salah satu makanan yang sempat viral yaitu Brulee Bomb, sejenis cheese croquette yang dicocol dengan sambal dan saus keju. Croquette atau di Indonesia lebih dikenal dengan sebutan kroket, merupakan makanan berbahan dasar kentang yang dibalut tepung roti dan digoreng. Teksturnya yang renyah di luar dengan keju yang meleleh di dalamnya. Cocok jadi camilan untuk anak-anak dan keluarga.

Resep Brulee Bomb (20-24 pcs)

½ siung bawang bombai, parut
2 sosis ayam, iris
5 jamur champignon, iris
4 sdm parmesan
50 gr mozarella, iris kotak

Adonan brulee:
3 sdm mentega
1 sdm olive oil / minyak
65 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
¼ sdt pala
½ sdt garam
1 sdt gula
¼ sdt merica
225 ml susu
225 ml fresh cream

2 butir telur
100 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
80 ml susu
½ sdt garam
¼ sdt merica
150 gr bread crumbs

Cheese sauce
Sambal kering

1. Panaskan pan, tumis jamur dengan olive oil / minyak hingga kering lalu tambahkan bawang bombai parut dan sosis lalu tumis lagi hingga kecokelatan, sisihkan
2. Lelehkan mentega, tambahkan tepung terigu lalu aduk hingga rata
3. Tuang susu dan cream sambil terus diaduk bumbui dengan gula, garam, merica, dan pala lalu masak hingga mengental
4. Masukkan tumisan jamur dan keju parmesan lalu aduk rata, sisihkan dan biarkan dingin
5. Setelah dingin masukkan keju mozarella, aduk rata dan tuang ke dalam tray kemudian tutup dengan cling wrap dan simpan di lemari es / freezer
6. Untuk coating, campurkan telur, susu, tepung terigu, garam, dan merica lalu aduk hingga rata
7. Setelah adonan padat, basahi telapak tangan kemudian bulat-bulatkan dan gulingkan di atas tepung dan masukkan ke dalam adonan tepung basah aduk hingga permukaannya terlumuri semua kemudian gulingkan di atas bread crumbs hingga rata, lakukan hingga adonan habis
8. Panaskan minyak, goreng brulee bomb hingga cokelat keemasan
9. Brulee bomb siap disajikan dengan cheese sauce dan sambal kering

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No Potatoes! Melted Cheese Croquettes a la Nagita’s Brulee Bomb

Brulee Bomb is a dish that went viral recently. It’s a type of Cheese Croquette, dipped in chili and cheese sauce. Croquette is a potato-based dish that is coated in breadcrumbs and fried. It’s crispy outside with melted cheese inside. It’s great to be served as a snack for kids and families.

Brulee Bomb Recipe (20-24 pcs)

½ pc onion, grated
2 pc chicken sausage, sliced
5 pc Champignon mushroom, sliced
4 tbsp parmesan
50 g mozzarella, diced

Brulee Roux:
3 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil / cooking oil
65 g all-purpose flour
¼ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
¼ tsp pepper
225 ml milk
225 ml fresh cream

2 pc egg
100 g all-purpose flour
80 ml susu
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
150 g bread crumbs

Cheese sauce
Dried chili

1. Heat the pan and sauté the mushroom with olive oil / cooking oil until fragrant. Add the grated onion and sausage in. Sauté the mix until it browns. Set aside.
2. Melt the butter. Add the flour in and mix well.
3. Pour the milk and cream in while stirring. Season with sugar, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Cook until it thickens.
4. Add the sauteed mushroom and parmesan. Mix well and set aside to cool.
5. After the mix cools down, add the mozzarella cheese. Stir and transfer into a tray.
6. For the coating, combine the eggs, milk, flour, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
7. After the mix has set, wet your hands and shape it into balls. Roll the balls in flour and dip into the wet batter until the surface is perfectly coated. Roll the coated Croquette balls into the breadcrumbs until they are fully coated. Repeat until the Brulee mix is finished.
8. Heat some oil and fry the Brulee Bomb until golden brown.
9. The Brulee Bomb is ready to serve with Cheese Sauce and dried chili.


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