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The language with the most sounds in the world - !Xóõ

imshawn getoffmylawn 57,510 lượt xem 11 months ago
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Special thanks to UCLA Phonetics Lab!


Main studies:
- Christfried Naumann. The phoneme inventory of Taa (West !Xoon dialect). Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie Leipzig & Universität Leipzig. 2013
- Roland Kießling. Noun classification in !Xoon. Hamburg. 2008
- Christfried Naumann. A preliminary classification of Taa dialects. 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHLXX). Humboldt University Berlin; Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig.
- Christfried Naumann. High and low tone in Taa (!Xóõ). 2008

Other studies:
- Lee J. Pratchett. Anthony Traill (edited by Hirosi Nakagawa and Andy Chebanne), A trilingual !Xóõ dictionary: !Xóõ – English – Setswana. 2018
- Catherine T. Best, Anthony Traill, Allyson Carter, K. David Harrison, and Alice Faber. !Xóõ click perception by English, Isizulu, and Sesotho listeners. 2003
- Alena Witzlack-Makarevich and Hirosi Nakagawa. Linguistic features and typologies in languages commonly referred to as ‘Khoisan’. 2017
- Christfried Naumann. Vowels of Taa (West !Xoon) and their acoustic properties (Presentation). Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. 2013

Interesting articles/other stuff:
- DOBES Documentation of Taa Language.
- Clicks and Voice Quality in !Xóõ samples. (LMU of Munich)
- Xoa ke Taa ǂAan -!Xuun ǀa ǂxanya - A Primer for Writing Taa -West !Xoon version. 2015. Christfried Naumann & Many others. (Illustrations by Stefanus Kuwi Geinǂamseb and Johannes ǁXau Kundeb)
- The Economist. We went in search of the world’s hardest language. 2016.
- Anthony Traill. A !Xóõ DICTIONARY. Köln. 1994.


00:00 - Introduction
01:20 - Classification
03:44 - People
05:57 - Vowels
08:45 - Consonants Types
10:44 - Consonants (Clicks)
12:24 - Consonants (Other Properties)
13:44 - Consonant IPA Chart
15:10 - Consonant Clusters
17:23 - Consonants Summary & Thoughts
18:46 - Grammar (Word Order, Gender & Examples)
25:20 - Anthony Traill - The GOAT Researcher
28:10 - Conclusion
28:51 - Shawn reads in !Xóõ

#!xoo #language #languages #namibia #botswana #click
