Cobra Commander #5 concludes the first wave of Skybound's G.I. Joe comics set in a shared universe with Void Rivals and Transformers known as the Energon Universe! The Commander makes his pitch to Destro, but does the Laird of Castle Destro really have any choice?
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Shout out and special thanks to MickDansforth who updates the Energon Universe wiki entries on Joepedia and generously links to this channel. Check out Joepedia here:
Cobra Commander #5 (Skybound / Image Comics)
Published 5/22/2024
Joshua Williamson - Writer
Andrea Milana - Artist
Annalisa Leoni - Colorist
Rus Wooton - Letterer
Sean Mackiewicz - Editor
Andrez Jaurez - Logo & Publication Design
Jillian Crab - Production