This incredible old I frame house was built in the early 1800’s between 1830-1840 for a wealthy planter and his family. Originally consisting of multiple barn outbuildings and even a commissary on the property. One interesting aspect of this home is it has 3 front doors, all seemingly original. Would love to hear any ideas what the reasoning would’ve been for this architectural choice. Later the home was purchased by Walter Harmon in the early 1900’s who enlarged the house in the rear ell and made updates. Sometime in the early 2000’s the house was vacated and sold to a developer, not entirely sure what the future holds in store for this nearly 200 year old home but I hope it will be saved. It’s perched on a small hill right by a lake where new homes are currently being built. My apologies for not showing lake but bulldozers and trees being cut down are obscuring the view now. Could be a beautiful place if saved and restored. Thanks for watching.