In this video, we discuss the difference between a Copeland Digital Scroll Compressor and a Danfoss Variable Speed Compressor. These two HVAC modulating scroll compressor technologies accomplish similar results but are constructed differently.
Video Description:
The Copeland Scroll Digital offers compressor modulation from 10-100 percent, allowing cooling systems to automatically adjust capacity as needed while reducing energy consumption. This scroll technology allows for precise HVAC system control, is more efficient than on/off compressors, and allows for almost continuous operation during dehumidification modes. Variable-capacity control is accomplished by timing the compression by engaging and disengaging the top scroll while motor speed remains constant. Advantages are efficiency, precise control, very low turn down to 10%, and constant velocity refrigerant allowing for effective oil return. For some of the compressor sizes, the "modulating" can produce unwanted noise. Special considerations for location and attenuation are recommended.
Emerson’s Copeland Scroll Variable Speed compressors are designed with AC drive controls that modulate the compressor speed. This compressor speed modulation allows for precise capacity control. Advantages are efficiency, low acoustical characteristics, and precise control. Special considerations are required to ensure oil return which usually prohibits low turndown capabilities. Usually, the minimum allowable turn down is in the 10-25% range.
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