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What if Thrawn Raised Anakin Skywalker to Shape The Galaxy

Darth Theorist 15,676 lượt xem 2 months ago
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What if Thrawn Raised Anakin Skywalker to Shape The Galaxy? Let’s explore the depths of it in the video.

Thrawn looks over at the cityscape of Coruscant, the skyline home to trillions of people, more people than even his homeworld. This was the very heart of the Galactic Republic, an institution with more wealth, resources, and citizens than the Chiss Ascendency could ever muster.

And yet, the government he finds is one woefully unfit for such a powerful state. Corruption thrives wherever he looks. While as some Jedi and senators show there are capable individuals in this government, their influence seems limited and strangled by bureaucracy and corruption.

Among the order is a youngling who Thrawn sees exceptional potential. Anakin Skywalker spars with some younglings, his lightsaber skills are evident as he pushes his opponent back.

He already read his file and what he found was unusual. He’s already an accomplished pod racer, a mechanic, and a pilot. Despite that, the Jedi refused to accept him because of his age. The only reason they gave in was because of dogma within their order.

Once he finishes his inspection, he returns to Palpatine.

Palpatine: Ahh, Commander Thrawn. I take it your inspection went well.

Thrawn: I have inspected everything and I would like to request that one of your citizens return with me to the Chiss Ascendency. A Jedi youngling named Anakin Skywalker.

Palpatine: Anakin Skywalker. You certainly do not ask for simple things, do you? I must say this is a difficult order. This particular Jedi is highly prized.

Thrawn: I’ve read how his Order reacted to the petition for his admittance, he is not as treasured as one would expect.

Palpatine: You are correct there. But it is me who has an interest in the boy. I sense that he has a bright future ahead. He could do wonders for our Republic. To take him away would cause issues.

Thrawn: Do not see it as taking him away and instead as an investment. I will personally oversee the boy's training and when the time is ready, he will be sent back here and if he serves well, you might consider sending more of your talented individuals back to our system.

Palpatine considers this request and begins to smile. He manages to convince the Jedi as well and reminds them that his presence is a huge breach of the Jedi Code. However, Obi-Wan would insist on leaving the Jedi order and accompanying Anakin to continue his training.

Unsurprisingly, the leadership of the xenophobic Chiss was not open to this idea, but Thrawn smiles and explains his reasoning. Despite its corruption, the Republic still control far more resources and people than the Chiss ever have . So if a strong leader were to emerge in the Republic, one who was friendly to them, it would prove incredibly beneficial for them.

Grand Admiral Thrawn brings Anakin onto his ship. Thrawn clasps his hands behind his back, his red eyes surveying the expanse of stars stretching before them. He turns slightly to regard Anakin, his tone calm and analytical.

Thrawn: Young Skywalker, the galaxy you see before you is more vast, more intricate, than the Jedi will ever allow you to understand. You possess power and potential unmatched, but potential is a blade without a hilt — dangerous to wield without understanding.
He pauses, allowing the hum of the ship to fill the silence.
Thrawn: I did not bring you here to suppress your gifts, but to refine them. The Jedi would have you deny your instincts, and temper your passions into weakness. In the Chiss Ascendancy, you will learn discipline without denial, strategy without suppression. Together, we will ensure that your power serves purpose — a purpose greater than the narrow doctrines of the Order.
Thrawn steps forward, his eyes fixed on the stars.
Thrawn: Strength without vision is chaos. But with the right vision, you can shape galaxies. Our galaxies
Anakin will serve different families in their government, with each one specializing in a certain field. While serving under them, Anakin observes and learns their method of doing things. Thrawn acts as Anakin’s handler, keeping him out of trouble and ensuring he absorbs all his lessons.

For half a year, Obi-Wan will train with Anakin while other half he will train with Thrawn and the Chiss. During his time with Obi-Wan, Anakin learns about the Force and mastering lightsaber combat. His training becomes more important in a place like this where action and cool logic take the place of ethics.

When he’s with Thrawn, the two sail the stars on Chiss ships, learning about the people and how to best serve them. Here, Anakin’s mastery of engineering and piloting shows itself to the Chiss. He quickly understands their technology and ships in ways few outsiders ever can while his piloting skills serve them well in countering enemy raids and attacks on Chiss territory.
#starwars #starwarswhatif #starwarstheory #anakin #thrawn
