स्वप्न अवस्था का रहस्य क्या है? |What is secret of dream state?
मालिनीविजयोत्तर तंत्र में शिव स्वप्न की ४ अवस्थाएं बताते हैं :१. स्वप्न जागृत- Swapna Jagrit
२. स्वप्न स्वप्न- Swapna Swapna
३. स्वप्न सुसुप्ति- Swapna Susupti
४. स्वप्न तुर्या.- Swapna Turya
एक प्रश्न के उत्तर में चैतन्य योगेश जी इन अवस्थाओं पर प्रकाश डाल रहे हैं |
Chaitanya Darshan is an opportunity for those who are ready to go beyond the experience of five senses and the mind. We dedicate this space for spiritual education through the living master Chaitanya Yogesh ji and the direct path of self realization.
The eternal knowledge is available to all of us through masters like Shiva, Krishna, Dattatreya, Buddha, Agastya, Patanjali, Vashishtha, Ashtavakra, Vasugupta, Abhinavgupta, Kabir, Nanak, Ramana Mahrishi, Atmananda Krishan Menon and others. It is just that we need to understand and tailor it to our current needs.
Here we discuss various teachings, ask questions and more importantly meditate using various techniques including Vijanabhairava and Non Dual meditations.
The spiritual path is a very personal individual phenomenon where our focus should always be on our true self.
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