Why I got "Skinny", Opinion on the Enhanced Games, Lab Meat is Pointless - Q&A
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Background music: Nine Sols Central Transport Hub
0:00 Opinion on the enhanced games
3:50 Did you enjoy competing?
5:37 Why no weightlifting shoes?
7:22 Transitioning to powerlifting?
9:38 Why are you skinny now?
12:05 Olivia Reeves training
15:26 Veganism and lab meat
18:16 Weightlifting in your 30s
20:35 Have gyms gotten worse?
22:33 Tricking and parkour
23:06 Beginners should train 6 times per week
24:46 What stopped you from snatching 200kg?
26:01 Losing weight to lift more weight
28:48 Favorite video games