i am repairman of the most desired compacts and i repair only cameras i like.
this is my passion and i can't live without fixing and returning to proper condition cameras.
because of popularity of contax t2 i started to repair them too and regretted it many times.
these are the most horribly designed cameras I've ever repaired.
because of their popularity they are unreasonably expensive, most of these cameras have been repaired by sloppy repairmen and have a lot of problems inside.
and those cameras that haven't been repaired usually have the classic problem of leaking capacitors that corrode the motherboard with electrolyte and make the motherboard brittle and breakable and the camera unrepairable.
i have blog where you can read my posts about different problems with this camera and how i repair then and many other cameras.
for now i repair: contax t1, t2, t3, tvs, tvs ii, tvs iii, g1, g2 (and all lenses), contax tla140, tla200, leica minilux, minilux zoom, leica cm, minolta tc-1, fuji tiara, ricoh gr1/s/v, gr10 and gr21, konica hexar rf, mamiya 7 (and all lenses), hasselblad xpan and fuji tx-1 (and all lenses), fuji ga645, ga645w, ga645zi and fuji gf670.
i have instagram https://www.instagram.com/awayrepairs/
and blog https://awayrepairs.livejournal.com/
16:22 FOTOTECH serwis said that without transparent shield camera will freezing on red eye mode (double flash). probably because of short circuit from flash reflector on camera body.
i tested it but was not able to reproduce on gray t2 with sn 08**** so maybe it is fair for old revision of this camera.
anyway it is should be mentioned.
17:13 also when i said that contax don't use this shield in other cameras i was wrong, because contax tvs use it too but it is not solid sheet but frame with window in size of reflector. so it is not for protection from dust how i thought, but from current leakage from the ignition transformer to the camera body (to ground) through the flash reflector.