सरिताज किचनची सर्व उत्पादने शुद्ध, पारंपरिक आणि केमिकल विरहित आहेत.
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नवरोबाचा डब्बा २ | सकाळच्या घाईत कुकरमध्ये २० मिनिटांत चना बटाटा रस्सा, नवरोबा १००% खुश Tiffin Recipe
काळ्या चण्याची भाजी रेसिपी | चणा बटाटा शाक भाजी रेसिपी | Kalya chanyachi bhaji recipe | chan batata shaak bhaji recipe |
सकाळी डब्यात काय द्यायचं सुचत नाही? किंवा सकाळच्या घाईत पटकन होणाऱ्या रेसिपीज पाहिजे असतात
नवऱ्याचा डब्बा करायचा असेल किंवा घरी पटकन कुकरमधील भाज्या करायच्या असतील तर हि नवरोबाचा डब्बा सिरीज नक्की बघा
साहित्य | Ingredients 01:25
• हरभरे १ कप | Kala Chana / Harbara 1 Cup
• बटाटा २-३ (मोठे तुकडे करून) | Potatoes 2-3 (large pieces)
वाटणासाठी | For Watan
• टोमॅटो २ मध्यम | Tomato 2 med
• हिरवी मिरची २ | Green chilies 2
• भिजवलेले हरभरे २-३ tbsp | Soaked Chana 2-3 tbsp
• बारीक चिरलेली कोथिंबीर | Finely Chopped Fresh Coriander
पावडर मसाले पेस्ट | For Masala Paste
• धने पावडर १ tbsp | Coriander pw 1 tbsp
• हळद १ /२ tsp | Turmeric ½ tsp
• काश्मिरी मिरची पावडर १ tsp | Kashmiri Red Chilly pw 1 tsp
• साधी मिरची पावडर १ tsp | Spicy Red Chilly pw 1 tsp
• पाणी थोडेसे | Water ¼ cup
फोडणीसाठी | For Making chana sabji
• तेल ३-४ tbsp | oil 4 tbsp
• लवंग ६-७ | Cloves 6-7
• जिरे १ tsp | Cumin 1 tsp
• तमालपत्र I Bayleaf
• दालचिनी १ | Cinnamon 1 inch
• काळी मिरी ६-७ | Black Pepper Corns 6-7
• मसाला वेलची १ | Green Cardamom 1
• आले लसूण पेस्ट १ tbsp | Ginger Garlic Paste 1 tbsp
• हिंग १/४ चमचा I Asafoetida ¼ tsp
• कसुरी मेथी १ tbsp | Dry Fenugreek Leaves 1 tbsp
• गरम मसाला पावडर १ tsp | Garam Masala Pw 1 tsp
• मीठ चवीनुसार | Salt to taste
• बारीक चिरलेली कोथिंबीर | Finely Chopped Fresh Coriander
• बारीक चिरलेला कांदा २ मोठे | Finely Chopped Onion 2 large
• तयार मसाला पेस्ट | Ready Powder masala paste
• तयार वाटण | Ready Watan
Many times, kids get bored by eating the same vegetables & its tastes as well. Even adults find it boring to eat the same type of recipes made of vegetables like masala chana bhaji, gavar bhaji, batata vangi bhaji, matki etc. To free you from this confusion , today we are going to show how to make the Kala Chana & Batata bhaji recipe in 20 mins using a cooker. Very basic ingredients which are easily available at home. If you make this bhaji, all your family members would be more than happy & would lick their fingers & eat. So let's see how to make this recipe
How to make Chana Masala Recipe / How to make chana batata shak bhaji
Preparations - 01:30
•Wash & soak chana overnight.
Next Day 01:35
•Peel & cut potatoes into large pieces & keep the pieces into normal water.
Making Watan - 02:32
•Into a grinding jar take tomatoes, green chilies, some soaked chana, add some water & grind to fine paste.
Making Masala Paste - 03:13
•Into a bowl add turmeric, red chilly pw, kashmiri red chili pw, coriander pw, some water and mix well.
To make sabji - 03:40
•Heat some oil into a pressure cooker, add whole spices, & finely chopped onion.
•Saute onions until they get a nice light brown color.
•Add ginger garlic paste & saute for a minute.
•Then add powder masala paste & saute on low heat for a minute.
•To this add ready tomato watan, some salt & saute until oil releases
•Later add garam masala pw, kasuri methi & mix well.
•After this add potatoes & mix well for 2 minutes.
•Add soaked chana & mix everything well, add 1 or 1.5 cups of hot water, salt if required, mix well & bring it to boil.
•Once it starts boiling, close the pressure cooker lid. Take one whistle on high flame then turn the flame to low & take one more whistle or required.
•Turn off the flame, let the cooker depressurise then open the lid.
•Add chopped fresh coriander & serve with hot puri or chapati.
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#officetiffinrecipe #husbandlunchboxrecipe #dailysabjirecipes #chanaaalukisabjirecipe #chanabatatabhaji #chanamasalarecipe #saritaskitchen
Office tiffin recipe | chana masala recipe | daily sabji in 20 minutes | pressure cooker wali sabji recipes |
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