🔴 Yellow Class Mobile App: https://yellowclass.onelink.me/yy4b/fbox4g4f
चिंच चटणी
चिंच 100gms
गूळ 100gms
मिरची पाउडर 1 tsp
काळं मीठ चवीनुसार
काळी मिरी पावडर 1 tsp
जिरे पूड 1 tbsp
हिरवी चटणी
कोथिंबीर 1 1/2 cup
पुदिना 15-20 पाने
हिरवी मिरची 2 - 3
साखर 1tbsp
दही 3 tbsp
थंड पाणी 3 tsp
गोड दही
दही 400gms
काळं मीठ
पिठी साखर 4-5 मोठे चमचे
उडीद वड़े
उडीद डाळ 1cup
तळण्यासाठी तेल
कोमट पाणी 3-4 glass
हिंग 1/4 tsp
उन्हाळ्यात आपण चाट चे बरेच प्रकार बनवतो, त्याने जिभेला चव तर येतेच शिवाय उन्हाळ्यात पोटाला थंडावा देतात. आज Sarita's kitchen मध्ये आपण एकदम मऊ लुसलुशीत, कापसासारखे मऊसूत दहीवडे कसे बनवायचे ते टिप्स सहित पाहणार आहेत. या 7 टिप्स वापरून बनवा एकदम सॉफ्ट मऊ लुसलुशीत जिभेवर विरघळले असे दहीवडे, दही भले रेसिपी | दही वड़े रेसिपी मराठी, दहीवडा रेसिपी, चाट रेसिपी, चाट साठी चटण्या, चिंच आंबट गोड चटपटीत चटण्या, पुदिना चटणी, हिरवी चटणी रेसिपी, इमली की चटणी |
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Dancing, cooking, drawing, or Maths, let your child choose what they want to learn every day from 100+ daily FREE live hobby classes. Join Yellow Class today.
⭐April Contest Details: Kids love winning new things and Yellow Class knows this.
That’s why we at Yellow Class always come up with new contests.
In April, Yellow Class is running a contest where kids can participate and win an One Plus Smart HD TV, YC exclusive Goodies, Boat Smart Watch, Scholarships upto Rs.3 Lac cash.
👉 To participate in this contest, download the Yellow Class app using the link provided below in the description box and start attending classes.
👉 Kids who will complete the just mentioned steps will automatically be eligible to win the prizes.
Follow Yellow Class on their Social Media:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3rQudVe
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3KU4DYi
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3AB7KiZ
YouTube: https://bit.ly/341fwql
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syllabus #school #teachkids
⭐ What is Yellow Class?
Yellow Class is the new age fun-learning platform for 3-16 years kids, where they can learn a wide range of hobbies like dancing, drawing, art, craft, yoga, creative writing, personality development, GK, and much more.
⭐ What makes Yellow Class unique?
👉 Explore a new hobby every day.
👉 Absolutely Free of cost.
👉 Taught by Expert mentors.
👉 More than 50+ live hobby classes to choose from.
👉 Participate in contests and win exciting prizes like iPad and more!
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