This is a remake of the video I have already done about using latching switches in DCC-EX to control servo turnouts. if you have already watched the first version, it s MOSTLY the same, however, there are a few updates. I this version I cover using EX-installer instead of using IDE, although this will still work with IDE. I also add the use of IFCLOSED() and IFTHROWN() to keep unnecessary torque of the servo motors and help prevent possible damage. I show which text editor I use and why, instead of programming directly in EX-installer. I have put bookmarks if you want to jump directly to the sections that are different.
Here is the text editor I use:
Here are the available pins on the Mega to use for input and output.
0:00 Welcome
2:00 intro
5:09 Introduction into ALIAS()
7:02 Introdction into SEQUENCE()
11:34 Setting up EX-Installer
12:53 Notepad++, My choice of text editor
13:47 Adding the HIDDEN command
15:04 Adding new myAliases.h subfile
17:59 Adding new mySequences.h subfile
19:14 Using AUTOSTART
19:28 Using IF(), IFCLOSED() and IFTHROWN() commands
20:44 Using the SET() command
22:27 Using CLOSE() and RESET() commands
25:19 FOLLOW() command
26:12 Refreshing EX-Installer to import the new subfiles.
29:36 Demo