#眼眉跳 的成因很多,如 #睡眠不足 、 #精神緊張 等,都有可能導致面部肌肉 #不自主地抽搐 ,大部分情況屬於短暫性。如果持續一段時間,甚至 #嘴角抽動 ,有可能是 #半面痙攣 。#腦神經外科專科 醫生 #曾振邦醫生 為大家講解半面痙攣的症狀、成因及治療方法。There are many causes for eyebrow twitches, such as lack of sleep and stress, which can lead to involuntary facial muscle contractions. In most cases, these are temporary. However, if the twitching persists for a while and even involves the corner of the mouth, it could be a sign of hemifacial spasm. Dr. TSANG Chun Pong, Specialist in Neurosurgery, explains the symptoms, causes, and treatment methods for hemifacial spasms.
00:10 最近我經常出現眼眉跳,需要看醫生嗎?I have been experiencing eyebrow twitching lately. Should I see a doctor?
00:41 半面痙攣是甚麼?What is hemifacial spasm?
01:32 如何診斷半面痙攣?How is hemifacial spasm diagnosed?
01:58 如何治療半面痙攣?How to treat hemifacial spasms?
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