如說話漏風、乏力,或無法大聲說話,說話過多時會感到頭暈,有可能是 #聲帶癱瘓。說話能力未必是最大問題,最令人擔心的是聲帶癱瘓有機會引致 #吞嚥問題,嚴重情況可以導致 #吸入性肺炎,甚至有生命危險。 #耳鼻喉科專科 醫生 #吳耀榮醫生 為大家講解聲帶癱瘓的症狀、成因及治療方法。 If you experience speech that sounds breathy, weakness, or inability to speak loudly, and feel dizzy when speaking too much, it could be a case of vocal cord paralysis. Difficulty speaking might not be the main concern; the most worrying issue is that vocal cord paralysis can lead to swallowing problems. In severe cases, it can cause aspiration pneumonia, which can be life-threatening. Dr. NG Yiu Wing, Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology explains the symptoms, causes, and treatments of vocal cord paralysis.
00:10 聲帶癱瘓是甚麼?What is vocal cord paralysis?
01:05 聲帶癱瘓通常可自行痊癒,是否毋須處理?Vocal cord paralysis usually heals on its own. Is treatment essential?
02:33 聲帶癱瘓的成因是甚麼?What are the causes of vocal cord paralysis?
03:58 如何診斷聲帶癱瘓?How is vocal cord paralysis diagnosed?
05:24 如何治理聲帶癱瘓?How to manage vocal cord paralysis?
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