雞腿 2隻
乾蔥頭 6粒
鹽 適量
1️⃣ 將雞腿洗淨,加入一塊生薑和蔥白,少許紹酒,小火煮20分鐘。
2️⃣ 測試一下雞腿是否煮熟,輕易刺入無血水流出即可,熄火拿出來放入冰水中冷卻。
3️⃣ 將蔥頭切片,用中小火炸到微黃色,撈出放涼備用。
4️⃣ 將蔥切碎,生薑磨成薑蓉,加入少許鹽調味。
5️⃣ 將冷卻後的雞腿撕成小塊,加入蔥油和薑蔥蓉拌勻即可。
Chicken legs - 2 pieces
Shallots - 6 pieces
Spring onions(scallions) - as needed
Ginger - as needed
Shaoxing wine - a small amount
Salt - as needed
1️⃣ Wash the chicken legs and place them in a pot with a piece of ginger, some white parts of the spring onions, a dash of Shaoxing wine, and enough water to cover the chicken. Bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes.
2️⃣ To test whether the chicken legs are cooked, pierce and see if there is no blood flowing out. Turn off the heat, take out and put them in ice water to cool.
3️⃣ Slice the shallots and fry them over low to medium heat until lightly golden, Scoop out and let cool.
4️⃣ Chop the spring onions and grind the ginger into a paste. Mix with a pinch of salt.
5️⃣ Tear the cooled chicken into small pieces and mix with the shallot oil and spring onions ginger paste.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUHbpirAPSaE8YsP82Bcmw ❤️請訂閱本台第二頻道 《好易生活頻道 oe living》
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