Hígado a la italiana / Italian liver Cuban recipe
1 libra de hígado puede ser de cerdo de res o de ternera
1 cebolla
1 pimiento
5 cucharadas de vinagre o jugo de limón
1 cucharada de harina de trigo
½ taza de vino seco
sal al gusto
2 diente de ajo
pimienta molida al gusto
1 hoja de laurel
2 cucharadas de aceite
Pimiento rojo para decorar
Italian liver
1 pound of liver can be beef pork or veal
1 onion
1 pepper
5 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice
1 tablespoon of wheat flour
½ cup of dry wine
salt to taste
2 cloves of garlic
ground pepper to taste
1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons of oil
Red pepper to decorate
preparation mode
Clean the liver and cut into portions. Cover it with the onion cut into rings, the pepper cut into strips and add the other ingredients, except the fat.
Leave it covered in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Heat the fat in the pan and add the liver along with the other ingredients. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly so that it cooks on all sides for about 10 min. or until cooked. You shouldn't cook it for a long time because it gets tough.
Homemade tricks to soften the liver
If you want the liver to remain soft, add a cup of milk to the liver along with all the ingredients. And you will see that when you cook it, the liver will remain soft on the palate.
Another trick would be to preferably use lemon and not vinegar.
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