No matter how much you plan things something always changes. The Lafayette Fire Company was charted in 1943 and ordered their first new truck when it arrived in 1949 it was not the "color" they ordered but instead of getting upset or getting it repainted they just rolled with it and adopted the tradition of ORANGE as a fire truck. I have to personally say these rigs are sharp looking. Chief David Keens and crew walk us through this week's Station Cribs episode. A house that was completed in 2011 still looks new today because of the dedication and innovations this station has taken to keep up with the demands of volunteers staffing the trucks.
The station is beautiful but it's the people that make this station run. Their vision states: "The volunteers of the Lafayette Fire Company of East Lampeter Township are committed to providing a level of emergency services that continually improve the quality of life, health, and safety of the people we serve."
Direct from their website is this bio:
The Lafayette Fire Company is located 2 miles east of the City of Lancaster PA and is one of four fire companies that reside in East Lampeter Township which is an ISO Class 4/6 community. We are an all-volunteer department that has been in existence since 1943. We cover a very diverse area covering portions of East Lampeter and Lancaster Townships on a first-due basis as well as several additional municipalities through mutual and automatic aid. Our first due area is very busy with the local tourist industry and includes unique challenges such as limited access highways, numerous hotels, an amusement park, schools, nursing homes, restaurants, numerous factory outlet complexes, a large industrial park, commuter and freight railroad, apartment complexes as well as urban high-density housing and farmland all wrapped into a 15 square mile area. Waterways covered include the Conestoga River and Mill Creek. We pride ourselves on having a well-maintained fleet of well-equipped apparatus and a strong base of active members who ensure that all calls for service are answered to the best of our abilities every time. If you are interested in becoming part of our team, feel free to stop by the station at 63 Lafayette Way on a Monday evening and pick up an application or visit
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