If you're working on recovery from mental illness, you might want to track your mood or some anxiety, maybe how many panic attacks you have or whether you had any intrusive thoughts today. But it'll help to recognize that's just more of the mental illness compulsions.
For working on recovery skills, grab my book, YOU ARE NOT A ROCK, wherever books are sold, like here on Amazon: http://bit.ly/youarenotarock
(It's called THE MIND WORKOUT in the UK and Australia/New Zealand, DAS MIND-WORKOUT in Deutsch, ENTRENA TU MENTE en español)
Learn more about what I do here: https://www.markfreeman.ca
Check out my travel mental health blog: https://www.themindfulfieldguide.com
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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/thepathtochange
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markwfreeman/