#KetoCreamPuffs #KetoChouxPastry
I brought the keto cream puff recipe.
Cream puffs are easy to make if you understand how they are made, but otherwise, it is a confectionery that can easily fail.
The same goes for keto cream puffs. So, here's the principle to make a successful keto cream puffs.
The reason the cream puff dough expands like a balloon is because the moisture in the dough turns into water vapor as it heats up, pushing the inside of the dough into space. At this time, the gelatinized starch traps water vapor and stretches elastically to create a space. So, to make cream puff shells, the flour must contain starch to trap water vapor and create space. Unfortunately, almond flour and coconut flour do not contain starch. So mixing a little tapioca powder and xanthan gum with almond powder, to give it the role of starch. And in order for the starch to grow elastically, it must be gelatinized by heating, so before putting it in the oven, it is made by cooking the moisturized dough to make it gelatinized.
What I realized while cooking the cream puff dough is that if the dough is cooking beyond the gelatinization temperature of maximum viscous, the viscosity will be lowered and the dough will swell better. Since not everyone has a thermometer, it can be difficult to realize when that point is, But remember this.
If you keep cooking the dough over low heat, the butter begins to seep out of the dough and it clumps like rice cakes. If the dough's temperature exceeds the temperature at which the viscosity reaches its peak, the viscosity decreases and remains thereafter, so if you want to make a successful cream puff shell, you can keep cooking for 2 minutes at least up to 4 minutes until the butter seeps out of the dough and until the dough is sticky and clumped together. After that, cool the dough, add two eggs, mix well. If you remember these points well and bake the dough, you will see the beautiful cream puff shells rising up.
^^ Make sure to make delicious Keto Cream Puffs
**-Cream puff shell (choux pastry)-**
60g unsalted butter
90 g almond flour
10 g tapioca powder
120 g of water
Xanthan gum 2g
8 g baking powder
Room temperature eggs 2
**-Custard Cream-**
2 yolks
50 g erythritol
50 g milk
120 g whip cream