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We warmly invite you to contribute generously to the construction of the Kriyayog Ashram, a sacred space devoted to fostering peace and spiritual growth. - SSKA@UPI
00:00 - Introduction (परिचय)
00:32 - Samadhi of shri Swami yukteshwar giri ji (श्री स्वामी युक्तेश्वर गिरी जी की समाधी)
01:15 - Who gave the title of PARAMHANSA to Swami Shri Yogananda Paramhansa Ji (किसने दी स्वामी दयानंद परमहंस जी को परमहंस की उपाधि?)
02:22 - Mysterious Event of 19 june 1936 (19 june 1936 की वो रहस्यमय घटना)
04:08 - Akash Tatva body of Swami Shri Yukteshwar Giri Ji (श्री स्वामी युक्तेश्वर गिरी जी का आकाश तत्त्व शरीर)
04:50 - Formation Of a Human Body (मनुष्य के शरीर का निर्माण)
06:00 - Hiranloka (हिरण लोक)
07:32 - Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa Samadhi (सविकल्प एवं निर्विकल्प समाधी)
08:14 - Parts of Sukshma loka (सूक्ष्म लोक के भाग)
11:11 - Casual Body, Subtle Body and Gross Body (कारण शरीर, सूक्ष्म शरीर एवं स्थूल शरीर)
12:36 - Description of Sookshma Loka by Shri Swami Yukteshwar Giri Ji (श्री स्वामी युक्तेश्वर गिरी जी द्वारा सूक्ष्म लोक की पूर्ण विस्तृत व्याख्या)
32:29 - Difference between the Casual world, Subtle World and The gross world (कारण जगत, सूक्ष्म जगत एवं स्थूल जगत के बीच की असमानता)
40:17 - More information about the Casual World (कारण जगत)
46:13 - Karmas, the reason of rebirth (कर्मों के बंधन और पुनर्जन्म)
49:15 - Resurrection of Shri Swami Yukteshwar Giri Ji (स्वामी श्री युक्तेश्वर गिरी जी का पुनरुत्थान)
53:00 - The new Body of Shri Swami Yukteshwari Giri Ji (स्वामी श्री युक्तेश्वर गिरी जी का नवीन शरीर)
53:45 - Bond of the Coverings of the three body which are hurdles to moksha (मोक्ष प्राप्ति में बाधा डालने वाले मनुष्य के तीन शरीर)
54:58 - Constructio of a Kriyayoga Ashram (आश्रम निर्माण)
In Autobiography of a Yogi, Swami Yukteswar discusses life after death during a remarkable encounter described by Paramahansa Yogananda. After Yukteswar's passing, he appears to Yogananda in a resurrected body and offers profound insights into the afterlife, specifically in Chapter 43 titled "The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar."
Yukteswar explains that after death, souls transition to different astral planes based on their karmic accumulation and spiritual evolution. He describes three distinct realms:
Bhuloka (Physical Plane): The earthly world we inhabit, bound by physical matter and human limitations.
Astral Plane (Hiranyaloka): A more subtle, higher-dimensional realm where souls experience existence in astral bodies. Here, they live without physical suffering, relying on the energy of divine light and thought.
Causal Plane: Even subtler than the astral world, this is where souls exist only as pure thought. It is closer to the formless aspect of divinity.
In the astral world, beings experience more refined joys, and time functions differently. Astral beings have greater freedom from earthly needs like food and sleep and are closer to the divine. However, they continue to evolve spiritually, eventually striving to merge with the Supreme Being, freeing themselves from all worlds.
Yukteswar's explanation demystifies death, portraying it as a natural transition in the soul’s eternal journey toward union with the Divine.
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