Continuing our mini-series on creating Mix space, this week I’m going to show you a variety of techniques for managing and enhancing a sense of 'width' in your mixes.
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I’m going to demonstrate this with a busy Live Loops session where every single sound is panned centrally and even the sounds recorded in Stereo which gently ‘lean’ to one side, still feel as though they’re primarily occupying space in the middle of the mix. Exploring the Direction Mixer, Stereo Pan placements, Automation, the Haas Effect and other techniques too, we can provide a much greater sense of width and therefore, additional mix space. I’ll also explain why Pan and stereo enhancement techniques feel ‘so extreme’ on headphones but why it’s in our interest to be bold when it comes to finding a space for each sound within our mixes.
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00:00 Intro and Track playback
01:26 Understanding the mix ‘stage’
03:15 Looking around the mix elements
06:20 Thinking about sounds in pairs
08:04 Brass Stabs Stereo Pan
09:52 Placing other Brass stabs
11:49 Sustained Horns: Direction Mixer
16:23 Why headphones affect how we Pan sounds
18:18 Haas Effect on main Guitar part
21:19 Lead Guitar placement in context
23:03 Guitar Strum Tremolo
25:38 Summary of techniques explored so far
26:58 Track playback to A/B with the start of the video
28:04 One last thing… Automating Pan
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