I had the realization on a recent trip to SF, one of my favorite cities ever, that I don't enjoy it in the same way I used to. For many years it is where I would escape to. I realized that there is no escapism left, I'm so happy on my little island with my wife and kid that I always have an underlying desire to run back to them.
I never know how my stuff sounds to external ears musically speaking. I do think this one did a pretty good job of capturing my internal headspace though. There's a relatively upbeat arpeggio juxtaposed with some horns and piano generatively dancing around in Locrian mode (which I've wanted to use again for a while, it's just so difficult to find a place for it) that add a lot of dissonance. The glue are chords with randomly generated inversions that stick it all together - they are hard to read because you aren't ever sure if they are getting more upbeat or falling deeper into a minor feel. This is definitely more of an emotion or vibe over a composition, but that was always the aim this time around.