I was recently hanging out in Bend, OR, and came up with this rather relaxing piece.
The @AaronStatic modules in VCV are really doing most of the heavy lifting here - with the VCV Rack Host (paid modules, but at ~$15 absolutely worth it for me) pulling in @spitfireaudiollp Labs and Orchestral Strings into the mix.
This is a great example of a song where I composed a basic progression I liked on my piano and with the Aaron Static modules, was able to very quickly get that progression into VCV with the addition of a very basic sequencer. What I love about these modules is that I can still modulate the chords through voicings and inversions in a way that still surprises me - and still adds something I never would have thought of on my own just sitting in front of the piano.
I'm working on a more polished recording of this to release as an actual track - with some added Prophet 5 leads and Jupiter X and Hardware Modular adding little bits of percussion and zest here and there.
If you have any questions about the patch just let me know, and thanks for watching!
#vcvrack #modularsynth #ambient #studyingmusic #relaxing #musicforsleep #synthesizer #generativemusic #generative #spitfire #audio #labs #blotter #dreams #seattle #washington