One kind of dough makes 4 kinds of ingredients and 8 kinds of molding, 2 pieces each, making a total of 16 breads.
◯ Ham cheese molding 2 types 4 pieces
◯ Cone molding type 2 4
◯ Wiener molding 2 types 4 pieces
◯ Tuna Mayo Molding Type 2 4 pieces
Make a total of 16 breads.
[Quantity] 16
The amount is for two top plates. If you want to bake it in one step, make it in half or bake it twice.
flour 200g
Dry yeast 6g
40g sugar
Skim milk 15g
50g egg
Water 235g
☆ flour 200g
☆ 6g salt
☆ Unsalted butter 40g
1 can of tuna
1/4 onion
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
Less than 1 tbsp ketchup
1 can of corn
4 slices of ham
4 Wieners
[How to make]
Weigh the ingredients and arrange them as shown in the photo.
Weigh the material of ☆ into another ball.
0:21 Eggs are placed in a position away from dry yeast.
0:29 Add water to dry yeast and mix with a spatula.
0:57 When the thickening is firm and the lumps are gone, add the remaining ☆ ingredients.
1:16: When the powder at the bottom of the ball is gone, I will put it all together by hand.
1:24: When it's gathered together, take it out of the ball.
1:26 Knead while rubbing the dough on the table.
It becomes less sticky when it comes to elasticity.
1:46: When it doesn't stick to the stand, beat the dough.
2:00 Knead with both hands covering the dough.
2:17 If the dough is thinly stretched and not cut, it will be kneaded.
2:26 rise for 30 minutes or more.
2:47 make holes in the dough.
If the holes do not shrink, fermentation is complete.
When the holes have become dull, wrap them and extend the fermentation time.
3:01 Gently degas with a fist.
3:22 Divide the dough into 16 equal parts. Let's weigh and match the weight.
3:57 Roll the surface so that it is stretched
4:30 rest for about 10 minutes.
4:35 filling preparation
1/4 of onion is finely chopped and combined with 1 can of drained tuna.
Mix 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of ketchup and a little salt and mix.
Remove from the corn can and drain.
4:56 "ham cheese 1"
Extend it a little larger than the ham with the stitches up.
5:14 Roll with ham.
Pinch the dough at the end of the roll and stick it together.
5:31 Fold the dough in half and cut the red line with a card.
5:39 Open and arrange the shape
5:47 "ham cheese 2"
The process is the same until 17.18.
After joining the stitches, roll them so that both ends are thin.
6:11 Fold the dough in half and make a notch. Open to shape the heart.
6:31 "Corn mayonnaise 1"
Extend the dough into a circle of about 10 cm with the binding side up.
6:39 Wrap a little corn.
6:44 Connect the upper and lower dough
6:51 Lift and stick the dough on both ends
7:00 "Winner Roll 1"
Spread the dough with the stitches up.
Roll around and pinch the end of the roll to attach.
7:18 Roll the dough to give the length.
about 35 cm
7:29 Wrap the dough around the wiener.
7:46 "Wiener Roll 2"
Extend it so that it is about 12 cm long and 10 cm wide.
8:10 Place a wiener in front of the dough and make a 1 cm wide cut in the back.
8:17 Roll the dough together with the wiener
8:28 "Tuna mayonnaise1"
it becomes a circle of about 10 cm
8:34 Use a slightly smaller celcle to pull out the dough.
8:59 Double the long stretched dough and twist the two dough.
Put it on the base so that it becomes the edge.
9:18 "Tuna mayonnaise 2"
Align the shape so that it is a 15 cm x 10 cm square.
9:43 Put a tuna mayonnaise on the front side of the dough for a long time.
Wrap the dough and wrap the tuna mayo.
Hold the wrapped area with your fingers and stick the dough together.
10:08 Rotate the dough once.
Make a cut in the back of the dough.
Please make a cut that is less than 1 cm wide.
10:23 Roll the dough around and wrap it around the bottom to finish the shape.
10:31 "Corn mayonnaise 2"
Spread out the fabric with the binding side up. Roll it up from the front and pinch the stitches to close it.
10:51 Fold the dough into two, sticking the ends together.
10:54 Arrange them on the top plate at intervals. rise for 30 minutes
11:17 Place corn on the bread dough for corn 2.
Put tuna mayo on the tuna mayo 1 dough. You can mix it.
11:19 Make a cut with scissors on the corn 1 dough.
Make a cut with scissors and open until the cone inside can be seen.
Add plenty of corn.
11:25 Put ketchup on the wiener roll.
11:30 Put cheese and sprinkle with mayonnaise as you like.
19. 11:45 bake in an oven at 190 degrees for 15 minutes.
11:50 After baking, give a shock to the bread with the top plate. Complete with sprinkled parsley.
Thank you! ! Completion of 16 pieces of bread. If you can not eat it, you can freeze it. Wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in a zip lock to freeze it.
Also explained in the blog with photos.