[ MIRAI BOSAI ] 2022年 DAY1
国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所 地震減災実験研究部門 堀内敏彦
[ 講演者プロフィール ]
Private Sector, Disaster Prevention and DX
<The Potential of a Japanese ESG Index Focusing on Proactive Measures against Disasters>
Speaker 1:Concept of a Cyber-Physical-System for enhancing resilience of cities
Our urban community is under earthquake-disaster risk but its readiness is difficult to evaluate. Therefore, like medical checkup of ourselves, countermeasures based on inspections and diagnoses are necessary. For this purpose, we are developing a cyber-physical-system consisting of a city in physical space and a simulator in cyber space, or an “Urban CPS”. We will establish “Data generation process” for collecting, transforming and integrating various data in the community to construct “city model” and also reflecting real situations on the city model by using sensors on buildings. Resilience or the readiness to earthquake disasters will be evaluated through simulations and thus the direction for enhancing the resilience and appropriate measures will be recommended.
Toshihiko Horiuchi: Earthquake Engineer
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research Division
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research Division
Dr. Horiuchi graduated from Graduate School of The University of Tokyo in 1984 and joined a private company as a research engineer in seismic design of structures. He received his doctoral degree from The University of Tokyo in 1996. He won JSME Medal for New Technology in 1998. He has been working for NIED since 2019 on research in earthquake disaster mitigation.