This video contains two recent matches I had with the LV1 Zaku IV IP on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 700 cost raid with the highest melee burst damage at 700 cost (not counting heavy attacks), a Dreissen style instant-knockdown axe, incredible mobility, ridiculous durability, a boosting instant stun and solid stun accumulation. Its weaknesses would be awkward melee animations, only two bursts worth of ammo in the primary weapon, being absolutely massive, lack of Damage Control, quite short range shooting and inconsistent shrapnel missiles. This suit used to be an absolute monster that could tear through anybody regardless of type disadvantage, but now the meta has shifted a lot which leaves it in a much worse off position. It is easy to focus down by the strong 700 cost roster of generals but if allowed to get off its melee combos, it can still tear through anybody just like when it first came out. I hope that you enjoy watching!
Its primary weapon is a beam machine gun with 450x6 power, 12 ammo, 0.8 seconds cooldown, 13 seconds reload, 0.77 seconds swap time, 300m range and 25%x6 stagger value. This has incredible stagger ability and solid DPS, but it can only fire twice before reloading. This means you have to use it a bit sparingly.
Its primary melee weapon is a large heat hawk with 3300 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.77 seconds swap time, 100% side swing modifier and 75%x2 downswing modifier. This shares the same melee animations and instant knockdown properties as the axe on Dreissen, so you can use it in the same way. It is easy to knock over enemies with this or to use it in the middle of a combo for more damage.
Its first sub weapon is a head beam cannon with 1300x2 power, 85% heat, 4 seconds cooldown, 22 seconds overheat, 0.5 seconds swap time, 200m range and 25%x2 stagger value. This has short range and long overheat time but it instantly staggers the enemy along with having boost fire capability. This is really useful to start melee combos with but be careful about managing the heat.
Its second sub weapon is a pair of beam knuckledusters with 2500 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.33 seconds swap time, 100% side swing modifier and 150%x2 downswing modifier. This has awkward range and can sometimes miss knocked over enemies, but it has very quick swap time and ridiculous damage. Starting and ending melee combos with this weapon can even tear through generals.
Its third sub weapon is side funnels with 400x6x2 power, 55%x2 heat, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 22 seconds overheat, 0.77 seconds swap time, 300m range and 7%x6x2 stagger value. These have decent power and good range but using them means you won't have access to your high stagger power follow funnels for a short while.
Its fourth sub weapon is follow funnels with 300x6 power, 30% heat, 0.8 seconds cooldown, 22 seconds overheat, 0.5 seconds swap time, 250m range and 9%x6 stagger value. These have short range and don't have the same stagger power as the lower cost Qubeley MKII, but are still incredible to use as a boosting stagger tool.
Its fifth sub weapon is shrapnel funnels with 230x12x3 power, 3 ammo, 22 seconds reload, 0.77 seconds swap time, 250m range and 10%x12x3 stagger value. These have ridiculous stagger potential and damage on paper, but the short range and very loose spread makes them impractical to use.
The Zaku IV IP has 27000 HP, 27 ballistic resist, 30 beam resist and 35 melee resist. This is basically the highest durability of any suit in the entire game, especially once you consider that it has LV3 buffers for the back binder, shoulder and legs. It also benefits from LV2 Emergency Evasion and LV4 Maneuver Armor but lacks Damage Control.
It also has 145 hover speed, 235 boosting speed, 85 thrust and 84 turning speed. This is incredible mobility but still quite not as much as an NT-D Banshee or biosensor on Enhanced ZZ. This is bolstered further by having both LV3 Forced Injectors and Flight Control.
It even has LV2 Power Accelerator, which allows it to boost out early from melee clashes to either escape or to combo the stuck in place enemy.
Overall while I think that this thing can be a menace if it gets going, it has a lot of trouble actually getting itself going in the first place. It is just way too big and has too little stun resistance in a cost full of suits with monster stun accumulation. The situation it has with short range and not enough primary ammo doesn't do it any favours either. I think that it deserves another buff. I would give it LV1 Damage Control, 24 ammo in the primary weapon, 250m range on the head beam gun, tighter spread on the shrapnel funnels, 12%x6 stagger value on the follow funnels and also give it a low HP stat boost similar to the Qubeley MKII. In its current state I think it is the worst 700 cost LV1 raid, so I can't recommend it. Thanks for watching!
Music used:
Dragon Ball Z Budokai, Challengers
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Possible