Marble Rye bread, two different colors of rye. The dark one is darkened with cocoa powder and sometimes Molasses. Then you roll both doughs together, cinnamon roll style, and you have a beautiful marble rye. It's all asthetic, it's just so pretty swirled together like that. Marble rye is the perfect bread to use for Reubens, Rachel's, tuna melts, croutons, or just any use of bread you like. The rye flavor is subtle and not overpowering. I used this loaf to make some absolutely amazing reubens and croutons for a very special soup, recipes coming 😉
Dark Rye:
2 1/3 - 2 2/3 cup AP flour
3/4 cup Rye Flour
3 Tablespoon cocoa powder
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon yeast
1 teaspoon caraway Seeds
1 cup warm water
2 1/2 Tablespoons oil
1 Tablespoon Molasses (optional)
Light Rye:
2 1/3 - 2 2/3 cup AP flour
3/4 cup Rye
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon yeast
1 teaspoon caraway Seeds
1 cup warm water
2 1/2 Tablespoons oil
Mix both doughs and add the lowest amount of flour listed. Add a Tablespoon at a time of more flour until it comes into a ball. It can still be sticking on the bottom some, but the sides should pull away from the bowl. Knead for 7 minutes. Proof 1 hour. Divide each color into 2 pieces.
Roll put 12x6 inches roughly. Stack the dark one top of the light, add a little water between the layers, and roll up like a cinnamon roll. Proof another hour and preheat oven to 375°F . Brush with egg wash, slash 4 scores across the top. Sprinkle with extra caraway seeds and a little flakey sea salt. Bake for 25 minutes, rotating halfway through bake.
** i did use active dry yeast, and I DID NOT bloom it because I added warm water, and it will activate just the same in the dough. So you can bloom it, I chose not to, and I will work either way if you use warm water.
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Filmed On Galaxy S23 Ultra
Edited On YouCut Pro
Instagra @sugarspunpeonies
Music: The Way Home
Musician: ZakharValaha
#foodie #food #recipe #baking #bread #ryebread #marblerye #marbleryebread