Lyrics: Ahmed Bukhari
Singer: Mohammed Rizwan
Co-Singer: Sugandh Sekar
Chorus: Sugandh Sekar, Velu, Vijay Devasigamani, Abhijeet.
Programming: Sajid Khan
Mixed & mastered by: Ameen Cheekod
Sound Engineer: Sidharth
Composer & Owner of the Tune: A R Rehman
Video Cast & Crew:
Singers: Mohammed Rizwan, Sugandh Sekar, Abhijeet
Harmonium: Sajid Khan
Guitar: Haston Rodrigues
Keyboard: Jinolin
Dholak: Rehmathullah
Tabla: Abdul Rehman
Supporting Cast: Mustaqeem, Arman & Atif
Directions & videography : Lak Pictures
Editing: Hafzal Rehman
Video Recorded @: Aura Sudios Chennai
Special thanks to: Seyed Ismail Azhari