五香肉卷 (Ngor Hiang/Loh Bak) 成了家家户户农历新年必备的家常菜. 它用一种专门的豆皮, 裹上剁碎的肉, 马蹄, 葱等, 包成如春卷. 在制作五香卷时, 必须注意的是采用新鲜的肉, 新鲜的虾, 接着就是好的腐皮. 包裹五香时, 不可太贪心, 放入太多馅料, 导致油炸时爆裂. 在油炸五香的过程不能太急躁, 火不能太大, 待一边呈金黄色时, 再将它翻转, 这样五香才会煎得香脆.
Ngor Xiang is a must have dish for Chinese New Year! When wrapping the Ngor Xiang, don’t be too greedy. Put too much stuffing in, which will cause it to burst during frying.The process of deep fried should be patient, and the fire should not be too high. When one side is golden brown, turn it over again, so that the Ngor Xiang will be fragrant and crispy.
材料 Ingredients:
1. 600克绞肉碎 (七分瘦肉, 三分肥肉) 600g minced meat (70% lean meat, 30% fat meat)
2. 300克草虾 300g shrimp
3. 蒜两条 2 stripes of leek
4. 一包咸豆腐皮 (可选用不咸的豆腐皮) 1 pack of salted tofu skin/non-salted tofu skin
豆腐皮切成 长: 20cm x 宽: 15cm,
Tofu skin cut into L: 20cm x W:15cm
5. 香菇10朵 (泡过温水30分钟) 10pcs dried mushrooms (soaked in warm water for 30 minutes)
6. 四颗蒜头, 三粒红葱, 少许姜片 4 garlic cloves, 3 shallots, a little bit ginger
7. 一汤匙麻油 1 tablespoon sesame oil
8. 少许糖 little bit of sugar
9. 两汤匙生粉/木薯粉 2 tablespoons corn starch/Tapioca flour
10. 两至三汤匙鱼露 2-3 tablespoons fish sauce
11. 四汤匙五香粉 Four tablespoons five-spice powder
12. 三汤匙花雕酒 3 tablespoons of Huadiao wine/Chinese cooking wine
13. 盐少许 little bit of salt
14. 胡椒粉少许 little bit of white pepper
15. 鸡蛋一粒 1 egg
16. 三汤匙面粉 3 tablespoons of plain flour
17. 两汤匙半耗油 2.5 tablespoons oyster sauce
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豆腐皮太干怎么办, 这样做豆腐皮会变软, 五香肉卷更容易包:
What to do if the tofu skin is too dry:
港式蜜汁叉烧,使用天然蔬菜腌制,效果非常满意 Chinese BBQ Pork/Char Siu marinated with natural colour
泰式酸辣酱汁, 正宗泰式酸辣蒸鱼, 泰式凉拌冬粉 (泰式酸辣酱汁非常适合用来蒸各种各样的海鲜, 火锅/ 海鲜沾酱, 凉拌都适用)
Thai Seafood Sauce, Authentic Thai Steam Fish with Lime and Garlic, Thai Glass Noodle Salad
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