What is neural circuit dizziness:
What I mean by "medically unexplained" dizziness:
Congratulations! You're doing great work and you're feeling less afraid of symptoms, or maybe you're feeling more positive in general. A common question that comes up now is why your symptoms haven't changed yet! Watch to find out 3 major reasons why. This applies to all of you with neural circuit dizziness, including diagnoses like PPPD, MdDS, vestibular migraine and post-concussion syndrome, as well as those of you with tinnitus and hyperacusis.
00:00 Symptoms are driven by cumulative stress, not necessarily what happened today
04:08 Reason 1 your symptoms haven't changed
08:24 Reason 2 your symptoms haven't changed
12:00 Reason 3 your symptoms haven't changed
DISCLAIMER: Please note that Yonit Arthur, The Steady Coach and any of our other guests are not acting as an audiologist nor offering audiology or medical services or advice on any public videos or on any other content. This channel provides wellness education and personal opinion only, and are not meant to be a substitute for medical or mental health instruction or intervention. Use any tools discussed at your own risk.