Hello, this is Jeon's Kitchen.
Starting in 2025, I plan to document my daily life with Leo and Liha, along with my menopause recipes, through YouTube.
I look forward to your free comments and communication. Thank you for your interest and support!
✅ Chapters
00:00 Highlights
00:13 Episode 01: Recipe to Overcome Severe Menopause
03:18 Today's Recipe: Sweet Potato Tofu Soup
05:19 Sweet Potato Tofu Soup Variations
07:10 Conclusion
✅ Sweet Potato Tofu Soup
1 boiled sweet potato, 200g tofu, a handful of nuts, 200ml water
1. Cut the boiled sweet potato.
2. Cut the tofu.
3. Place in a blender and add 200ml of water, then blend.
4. Transfer to a pot and heat over low heat.
5. When the soup begins to bubble, turn off the heat.
6. Pour into a bowl, crush a handful of nuts on top, and it's ready to serve.
✅ Variation: Sweet Potato Carrot Soft Tofu
Half a raw sweet potato, half a raw carrot, 500g soft tofu, water, salt, pepper, lemon juice, sesame oil
1. Cut half a raw sweet potato and half a raw carrot into bite-sized pieces.
2. Place in a pot with 150ml water and cook.
3. When the vegetables are halfway cooked, add the soft tofu.
4. When it boils, add 3 pinches each of salt and pepper, and let it simmer.
5. Turn off the heat, then add 2.5 tbsp of lemon juice and 2 tbsp of sesame oil.
6. Serve in a bowl and enjoy!
📍 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jeonskitchen_recipe